Learn more about what we’re working on and how you can help…
The following sections detail focus areas of support and the projects that help us assist, bless, inspire, disciple, and encourage. Click an area of focus to get the details.
In Fort Portal, Uganda, more than 600 widows and orphans have found a community through Living Spring Church. With leadership from the widows themselves, Living Spring has developed a range of self-sustaining projects and services to meet the holistic needs of these women and children, programs that are strategically supported by ABIDE to help them get off the ground.
Living Spring Church
Living Spring Church is a community of believers that embodies Christ’s charge to go and make disciples. They are actively caring for their immediate community while supporting the work of churches that have been planted beyond their city. ABIDE works closely with their leadership to provide support where it is most needed.
Relief Work
While ABIDE’s primary goal is to pursue long-term, self sustaining efforts, there are times when emergency relief is needed. Working with local friends who are directly connected to the situations, ABIDE is able to respond quickly and offer help that delivers immediate relief allowing people to stabilize and start the rebuilding process.