Some of the orphans Yusta cares for in her home.
Yusta’s House…
Yusta is a faithful member of Living Spring Church and is one of the widows who cares for orphans in her home. She currently has 15 orphans in her care and has housed as many as 18. Some of her kiddos are pictured above.
For many years she has lived in a house on property that is owned by someone else. The owners have decided to sell the property so Yusta and her 15 orphans will be forced out of their home very soon. The good news is that the property owner has gifted Yusta an adjacent property where she can build a home. While owning a piece of property is significant, Yusta does not have the means to build a home, especially one that will continue to house all of the orphans that make up her family.
ABIDE will be coming alongside Yusta and Living Spring Church to raise the roof on a home that Yusta can call her own. She is a hard-working woman who has been faithful with what she has already been given and has turned almost nothing into a safe place for children who have lost everything. A home that will help her continue the work she is already doing is critical.
The total expected cost is $20,000 - $25,000. $7000 has already been sent because of the urgency of this need. Donate now to Yusta’s House if you would like to be part of the blessing for Yusta as she lives out the call to care for the “least of these" around her.
UPDATE: Thanks to your help this project has been funded. Thank you!
(Left to Right) Yusta's current home. Yusta and visitors. Two of the orphans in Yusta's care. A pen that holds cows that Yusta keeps and uses the milk to feed the children in her family.